Digital Health Academy

digitalswitzerland's Digital Health Academy is back! In partnership with Swiss Healthcare Startups, we are looking to answer the question: What should the Swiss digital healthcare system look like?

The academy brings together innovative, AI-driven solutions – solutions which empower patients to better understand their health data, enhancing prevention and health monitoring in the process (with a special focus on home monitoring).

Ambitious Challenge

Empower patients to better understand their health data through AI-driven solutions

Swiss Scaleups

A hand-picked cohort of Swiss scaleups

2024 Program

6-month academy begins in May and concludes in December


Kick-off session 16 May, 2024 in Zürich

Half day, in-person kick-off session where scaleups and corporates to get to know each other, network and rapidly develop business cases for future collaborations.


For the duration of the Digital Health Academy, we offer the opportunity to be mentored by an experienced leader from within digitalswitzerland's network.


From June to November, we provide exclusive workshops events to provide deep expertise to the cohort and showcase use cases, from digitalswitzerland's members, partners, and international network.


The cohort will be invited to participate and contribute to various ecosystem events happening in Switzerland.


The programme will conclude with a blog series featuring the scaleups and their collaborative use cases as innovative best-in-class examples for a Swiss digital health ecosystem.


Digital Health Day 29 October, 2024 in Zürich

The Digital Health Day, organised by our main partner Swiss Healthcare Startups will gather 300+ guests from the healthcare ecosystem. This comprehensive, full-day event includes startup pitches, personal discussions and much more. Our scaleup cohort will showcase their learning in a dedicated session.

Is your scaleup eligible to participate?

  • Your main focus is to empower patients to better understand their health data in order to enhance prevention and health monitoring
  • Your business model is scalable and executed by an ambitious team of at least 10 FTEs
  • You have an annual growth in employment or revenue of at least 20% over 3 consecutive years
  • You’ve been registered in Switzerland for at least 3 years
  • You either have a publicly available solution or have completed two proof of concept projects

Your solutions want to push the limits of digital healthcare by

  • increasing digital health literacy
  • Enable patients to monitor their own health data
  • Enable at home prevention and/or diagnostics
Apply now

Application deadline 19 April 2024

Main Partner SHS

Swiss Healthcare Startups is a non profit organisation that supports innovative startups that aim to add value to the Swiss healthcare ecosystem. We support the startups by providing meaningful exposure and facilitating access to relevant stakeholders. As a neutral platform, we promote dialogue, networking and exchange throughout our ecosystem. 


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Jade Sternberg

Digital Health Lead


Cécile Schluep

Project Manager